
Friday, July 29, 2016

Weekend Reads: Blood, Ink and Fire by Ashley Mansour

I have to confess something, I'm in a book hangover right now.  Not in a book hangover but 2 books hangover because I read these 2 books in a series back to back and I can't get them out of my head, they are all I can think about it and trust me if the third book was out I would be reading it right now :(  AHHHHH  This is killing me.  If you don't know which books I'm talking about and would like to join me in my misery; it's Paper Princess and Broken Prince by Erin Watt.  Yep, those books were so good and they had such huge cliffhangers that I don't know what to do with myself now.  I started reading a new book last night because...I just need to get out of this book hangover and read other books and this is the book that I'm currently reading and will be reading this weekend:

Blood, Ink and Fire by Ashley Mansour

Blood, Ink & Fire

I got this book from NetGalley a while ago and because I read Paper and Fire and am loving that series and this book is somewhat similar (in this book reading is prohibited) I have to read so...that's what I am doing it.  I'm literally maybe 10 pages in, so can't tell you what I feel about it yet, but we will see.  

What are you doing this weekend?  What books have given you book hangovers?



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