
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Book Review: The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox

I'm actually really happy that I have been sticking with my TBR list, specially with my October one, because I got to read lots of thrillers and witches books.  And talking about witches, this next review is a witch book and a new release too, win, win for me!!!  Let's get to the review:

The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox

From Goodreads:
Take this as a warning: if you are not able or willing to control yourself, it will not only be you who suffers the consequences, but those around you, as well.

New Oldbury, 1821 

In the wake of a scandal, the Montrose family and their three daughters—Catherine, Lydia and Emeline—flee Boston for their new country home, Willow Hall.

The estate seems sleepy and idyllic. But a subtle menace creeps into the atmosphere, remnants of a dark history that call to Lydia, and to the youngest, Emeline.

All three daughters will be irrevocably changed by what follows, but none more than Lydia, who must draw on a power she never knew she possessed if she wants to protect those she loves. For Willow Hall’s secrets will rise, in the end…


Wow, where to I begin with this book.  So, let's start with the setting, it takes place in Massachusetts, even if the city is not so real.  It takes place in the 1800s, always more spooky, right?  And it's about sisters, family creepiness that you can't even think about it (yeah be prepared), there is romance (the old way, which is nice), ghosts (yeah, more creepy and spooky) and old secrets.  And I guest I have pretty much told you what the book is about without spoiling it. lol

But, seriously...We follow this family that has left Boston and moved to their country home, Willow Hall, because of a scandal involving one of their daughters.  

Willow Hall is dark in itself and history and Lydia, the middle daughter, the one that tries to hold the family together and tries hard on everything but also has some dark inside of herself feels attracted to the house, as if it can talk to her.  And more creepily, she hears and sees things that anyone else does.

As the family get settle in Willow Hall, everything falls into place at the same time will fall apart, trying to destroy the family.  And we will get to see if they will be able to survive it all and if Lydia can keep it together and protect everyone she loves.

This book was creepy at times, spooky but at the same time?  It intrigued me so 4 out of 5 stars.  And yes, I do recommend it, specially to read at this time of the year!



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