
Friday, September 19, 2014

Book Review: Legend by Marie Lu

I must be the last person on earth that hadn't read Legend and OMG where have I been?  Let's start the review, shall we?

Legend by Marie Lu

Yes, it's a dystopian book and I it's been a while since I read a dystopian book and while I was reading this book, it just brought back how amazing dystopian YA books are.

The writing; this is the first book that I have read by Marie Lu and she is an amazing writer.  I loved her writing and cannot wait to read more of her books.  I know she has a new book coming out soon and I will picking that one up for sure.  I loved how she wrote this book on both characters prospective, it's was really nice getting to know both characters and to know their feelings and opinions.

Let's get to what the book is about, Day and June are the main characters, both are 15 years old.  They live in a future Los Angeles area, where a plague is spreading, especially on the poor sections.  When kids turn 10 years old, the have to take a trial to place them on the society that they are fit to be in.  If you score low you are placed somewhere on the poor sections and work on factories or jobs like that.  If you score high you will be placed on the higher sections, and many will be working for the government.  And if you fail you are place on the "labor" section, you never see your family again.

Day's score is a mystery until just about the end of the book.  June's you know right from the beginning, her score is 1500 the highest you can get and she is the governments prodigy, a favorite and she is place on university and eventually work for the government.  Day was thought to be dead, but he escapes the government and lives in the streets with another girl (Tess) who he loves like a sister and takes care of.  The government puts out ads looking for Day, but they don't really know what he looks like, so his picture is different every time.

June is hired by the government to find Day, so she goes undercover and goes to live in the streets, but still has an earpiece to communicate back to the government. She wants to find Day as she thinks that he is the one who murdered her brother, Metias.  She finds Day on the first day but she doesn't know that.  They get close on a few days, but when she realizes who he is, she reports and everything changes.

No spoilers, hopefully I didn't give to much away already.  I loved how things happen, how it progresses.  The end of the book couldn't be better and I'm already reading and loving the second book, Prodigy.

I TOTALLY recommend this book, this trilogy even though I haven't finished the second or read the third one, but if it is as good as the first, I am in for a great ride.  I gave a 5 star on GoodReads.

What are you reading?  What should I read after these books?



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